Volume Lash Training – Minkys
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Volume Lash Training

** Class dates are subject to change due to the ongoing pandemic **

Become Minkys Certified in Volume Lashing

This Hands-On Workshops is for Lash Artists who have mastered applying classic eyelash extensions and want to give their clients a fuller and fluffier set of eyelash extensions.

Minky's mission is to teach and inspire our students to become masters in Volume lashing, a rapidly growing trend using advanced precision application techniques. Minkys' experienced trainers provide you with a one-day hands-on workshop. Class sizes are kept under 5 students to ensure you get plenty of individualized help and training.

What Are Volume Lashes?

Volume Lashing is a revolutionary technique where 2 to 6 super fine lash extensions are applied to one single natural eyelash - SAFELY - creating a look so soft, fluffy and full! With Volume Lashing you are hand creating each individual fan to customize a unique look for each client.

Volume lashes are ideal for clients who have sparse natural lashes or gaps, they are also ideal for clients who enjoy the look of strip lashes

What will be Covered in the Minkys Hands-On Workshops:

  • Streamlined Application Techniques
  • How to safely apply volume fans
  • Multi lash Pick-up Techniques
  • How to build 2-6D Lash fans
  • Taping Techniques for Speed
  • Lash Mapping & Designs
  • Extended Product Knowledge


• Certified in Eyelash Extensions for no less than one year by Minkys or another reputable company.



Don’t see any classes in your area? Please check back with us, we are constantly adding more areas. If you would like to inquire about becoming a certified Minkys Instructor and teaching your own classes, please contact us

Call 888-670-9083 to Register

* Space is limited - Register with Minkys Today! *

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